O schema geral da API é disponibilizado através do Playground. Nele é possível verificar os campos disponíveis, seus tipos e descrições.
Schema Types
Table of Contents
- Query
- Mutation
- Objects
- Attribute
- AttributeMatrix
- AttributeMatrixInfo
- AttributeMatrixProduct
- AttributeMatrixRowColumnInfoValue
- AttributeSelection
- AttributeSelectionOption
- AttributeSelectionOptionValue
- AttributeValue
- Autocomplete
- Banner
- BannersConnection
- BannersEdge
- BestInstallment
- Brand
- BrandsConnection
- BrandsEdge
- Breadcrumb
- CategoriesConnection
- CategoriesEdge
- Category
- Checkout
- CheckoutProductAttributeNode
- CheckoutProductNode
- CheckoutShippingDeadlineNode
- Content
- ContentsConnection
- ContentsEdge
- Customer
- CustomerAccessToken
- CustomerAddressNode
- CustomerOrdersStatistics
- CustomerPartnerNode
- Customization
- Hotsite
- HotsiteSorting
- HotsitesConnection
- HotsitesEdge
- Image
- Information
- Installment
- InstallmentPlan
- Menu
- MenuGroup
- NewsletterNode
- PageInfo
- Partner
- PartnersConnection
- PartnersEdge
- PriceRange
- PriceTable
- Prices
- Product
- ProductAggregations
- ProductAttribute
- ProductBrand
- ProductCategory
- ProductCollectionSegment
- ProductOption
- ProductSubscription
- ProductVariant
- ProductsConnection
- ProductsEdge
- Promotion
- Review
- Script
- Search
- SearchFilter
- SearchFilterItem
- ShippingProduct
- ShippingQuote
- Shop
- ShopSetting
- SimilarProduct
- SingleHotsite
- SingleProduct
- Stock
- SubscriptionGroup
- SubscriptionRecurringType
- Uri
- forbiddenTerm
- wishlist
- Inputs
- Enums
- Scalars
- Interfaces
Query (QueryRoot)
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
autocomplete | Autocomplete | Get query completion suggestion. | |
limit | Int | ||
partnerAccessToken | String | The partner access token. | |
query | String | ||
banners | BannersConnection | List of banners. | |
after | String | Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. | |
bannerIds | [Long!] | Filter the list by specific banner ids. | |
before | String | Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. | |
first | Int | Returns the first n elements from the list. | |
last | Int | Returns the last n elements from the list. | |
partnerAccessToken | String | ||
sortDirection | SortDirection! | ||
sortKey | BannerSortKeys! | ||
brands | BrandsConnection | List of brands | |
after | String | Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. | |
before | String | Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. | |
brandInput | BrandFilterInput | Brand input | |
first | Int | Returns the first n elements from the list. | |
last | Int | Returns the last n elements from the list. | |
sortDirection | SortDirection! | ||
sortKey | BrandSortKeys! | ||
categories | CategoriesConnection | List of categories. | |
after | String | Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. | |
before | String | Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. | |
categoryIds | [Long!] | Filter the list by specific category ids. | |
first | Int | Returns the first n elements from the list. | |
last | Int | Returns the last n elements from the list. | |
sortDirection | SortDirection! | ||
sortKey | CategorySortKeys! | ||
checkout | Checkout | Get info from the checkout cart corresponding to the given ID. | |
checkoutId | String! | The cart ID used for checkout operations. | |
contents | ContentsConnection | List of contents. | |
after | String | Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. | |
before | String | Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. | |
contentIds | [Long!] | Filter the list by specific content ids. | |
first | Int | Returns the first n elements from the list. | |
last | Int | Returns the last n elements from the list. | |
sortDirection | SortDirection! | ||
sortKey | ContentSortKeys! | ||
customer | Customer | Get informations about a customer from the store. | |
customerAccessToken | String | The customer access token. | |
hotsite | SingleHotsite | Retrieve a single hotsite. A hotsite consists of products, banners and contents. | |
hotsiteId | Long | ||
url | String | ||
hotsites | HotsitesConnection | List of the shop's hotsites. A hotsite consists of products, banners and contents. | |
after | String | Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. | |
before | String | Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. | |
first | Int | Returns the first n elements from the list. | |
hotsiteIds | [Long!] | Filter the list by specific hotsite ids. | |
last | Int | Returns the last n elements from the list. | |
partnerAccessToken | String | ||
sortDirection | SortDirection! | ||
sortKey | HotsiteSortKeys! | ||
menuGroups | [MenuGroup] | List of menu groups. | |
partnerAccessToken | String | ||
position | String | ||
url | String! | ||
node | Node | ||
id | ID! | ||
nodes | [Node] | ||
ids | [ID!]! | ||
partners | PartnersConnection | List of partners. | |
after | String | Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. | |
before | String | Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. | |
first | Int | Returns the first n elements from the list. | |
last | Int | Returns the last n elements from the list. | |
names | [String] | Filter the list by specific names. | |
priceTableIds | [Int!] | Filter the list by specific price table ids. | |
sortDirection | SortDirection! | ||
sortKey | PartnerSortKeys! | ||
product | SingleProduct | Retrieve a product by the given id. | |
partnerAccessToken | String | The partner access token. | |
productId | Long! | The product ID. | |
productOptions ÔÜá´©Å | ProductOption | Options available for the given product. ÔÜá´©Å DEPRECATED
| |
productId | Long! | ||
productRecommendations | [Product] | Retrieve a list of recommended products by product id. | |
algorithm | ProductRecommendationAlgorithm! | Algorithm type. | |
partnerAccessToken | String | The partner access token. | |
productId | Long! | The product identifier. | |
quantity | Int! | The number of product recommendations. | |
products | ProductsConnection | Retrieve a list of products by specific filters. | |
after | String | Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. | |
before | String | Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. | |
filters | ProductExplicitFiltersInput! | The product filters to apply. | |
first | Int | Returns the first n elements from the list. | |
last | Int | Returns the last n elements from the list. | |
partnerAccessToken | String | The partner access token. | |
sortDirection | SortDirection! | ||
sortKey | ProductSortKeys! | ||
scripts | [Script] | Retrieve a list of scripts. | |
name | String | The script name. | |
pageType | [ScriptPageType!] | The script page type list. | |
position | ScriptPosition | The script position. | |
url | String | Url for available scripts. | |
search | Search | Search products with cursor pagination. | |
operation | Operation! | The operation to perform between quuery terms. | |
partnerAccessToken | String | The partner access token. | |
query | String | The search query. | |
shippingQuotes | [ShippingQuote] | Get the shipping quotes by providing CEP and checkout or product identifier. | |
cep | CEP | CEP to get the shipping quotes. | |
checkoutId | Uuid | Checkout identifier to get the shipping quotes. | |
productVariantId | Long | Product identifier to get the shipping quotes. | |
shop | Shop | Store informations | |
shopSettings | [ShopSetting] | Store settings | |
settingNames | [String] | Setting names | |
uri | Uri | Get the URI kind. | |
url | String! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
checkoutAddProduct | Checkout | Add products to an existing checkout | |
input | CheckoutProductInput! | Params to add products to an existing checkout | |
checkoutRemoveProduct | Checkout | Remove products from an existing checkout | |
input | CheckoutProductInput! | Params to remove products from an existing checkout | |
createCheckout | Checkout | Create a new checkout | |
products | [CheckoutProductItemInput] | ||
createNewsletterRegister | NewsletterNode | Register an email in the newsletter. | |
input | NewsletterInput! | ||
createProductReview | Review | Adds a review to a product variant. | |
input | ReviewCreateInput! | ||
customerAccessTokenCreate | CustomerAccessToken | Creates a new customer access token with an expiration time. | |
input | CustomerAccessTokenInput! | ||
customerAccessTokenRenew | CustomerAccessToken | Renews the expiration time of a customer access token. The token must not be expired. | |
customerAccessToken | String! | ||
updateAddress | CustomerAddressNode | Change an existing address | |
address | CustomerAddressInput! | ||
customerAccessToken | String! | ||
id | ID | The customer address unique identifier. | |
wishlistAddProduct | [Product] | Adds a product to the customer's wishlist. | |
customerAccessToken | String! | A customer's access token | |
productId | Long! | ID of the product to be added to the customer's wishlist | |
wishlistRemoveProduct | [Product] | Removes a product from the customer's wishlist. | |
customerAccessToken | String! | A customer's access token | |
productId | Long! | ID of the product to be removed from the customer's wishlist |
Attributes available for the variant products from the given productId.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
column | AttributeMatrixInfo | Information about the column attribute. | |
data | [[AttributeMatrixProduct]] | The matrix products data. List of rows. | |
row | AttributeMatrixInfo | Information about the row attribute. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
displayType | String | ||
name | String | ||
values | [AttributeMatrixRowColumnInfoValue] |
Attributes available for the variant products from the given productId.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
canBeMatrix | Boolean! | Check if the current product attributes can be rendered as a matrix. | |
matrix | AttributeMatrix | Informations about the attribute matrix. | |
selectedVariant | ProductVariant | The selected variant given the current input filters. Variant may be from brother product Id. | |
selections | [AttributeSelectionOption] | Attributes available for the variant products from the given productId. |
Attributes available for the variant products from the given productId.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
attributeId | Long! | The id of the attribute. | |
displayType | String | The display type of the attribute. | |
name | String | The name of the attribute. | |
values | [AttributeSelectionOptionValue] | The values of the attribute. | |
varyByParent | Boolean! | If the attributes varies by parent. |
Attributes values with variants
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
productVariants | [ProductVariant] | Product variants that have the attribute. | |
value | String | The value of the attribute. |
Get query completion suggestion.
A banner is usually an image used to show sales, highlight products, announcements or to redirect to another page or hotsite on click.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
altText | String | Banner's alternative text. | |
bannerId | Long! | Banner unique identifier. | |
bannerName | String | Banner's name. | |
bannerUrl | String | URL where the banner is stored. | |
creationDate | DateTime | The date the banner was created. | |
displayOnAllPages | Boolean! | Field to check if the banner should be displayed on all pages. | |
displayOnCategories | Boolean! | Field to check if the banner should be displayed on category pages. | |
displayOnSearches | Boolean! | Field to check if the banner should be displayed on search pages. | |
displayOnWebsite | Boolean! | Field to check if the banner should be displayed on the website. | |
displayToPartners | Boolean! | Field to check if the banner should be displayed to partners. | |
height | Int | The banner's height in px. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
openNewTab | Boolean! | Field to check if the banner URL should open in another tab on click. | |
order | Int! | The displaying order of the banner. | |
position | String | The displaying position of the banner. | |
searchTerms | [String] | A list of terms to display the banner on search. | |
title | String | The banner's title. | |
urlOnClick | String | URL to be redirected on click. | |
width | Int | The banner's width in px. |
A connection to a list of items.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
edges | [BannersEdge!] | A list of edges. | |
nodes | [Banner] | A flattened list of the nodes. | |
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Information to aid in pagination. |
An edge in a connection.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
discount | Boolean! | Wether the installment has discount. | |
displayName | String | The custom display name of the best installment plan option. | |
fees | Boolean! | Wether the installment has fees. | |
name | String | The name of the best installment plan option. | |
number | Int! | The number of installments. | |
value | Decimal! | The value of the installment. |
Informations about brands and its products.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
active | Boolean! | If the brand is active at the platform. | |
alias | String | The alias for the brand's hotsite. | |
brandId | Long! | Brand unique identifier. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | The date the brand was created in the database. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
name | String | The brand's name. | |
products | ProductsConnection | A list of products from the brand. | |
after | String | Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. | |
before | String | Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. | |
first | Int | Returns the first n elements from the list. | |
last | Int | Returns the last n elements from the list. | |
partnerAccessToken | String | ||
sortDirection | SortDirection! | ||
sortKey | ProductSortKeys! | ||
updatedAt | DateTime! | The last update date. | |
urlCarrossel | String | A web address to be redirected. | |
urlLink | String | A web address linked to the brand. | |
urlLogo | String | The url of the brand's logo. |
A connection to a list of items.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
edges | [BrandsEdge!] | A list of edges. | |
nodes | [Brand] | A flattened list of the nodes. | |
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Information to aid in pagination. | |
totalCount | Int! |
An edge in a connection.
Informations about breadcrumb.
A connection to a list of items.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
edges | [CategoriesEdge!] | A list of edges. | |
nodes | [Category] | A flattened list of the nodes. | |
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Information to aid in pagination. |
An edge in a connection.
Categories are used to arrange your products into different sections by similarity.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
categoryId | Long! | Category unique identifier. | |
children | [Category] | A list of child categories, if it exists. | |
description | String | A description to the category. | |
displayMenu | Boolean! | Field to check if the category is displayed in the store's menu. | |
hotsiteAlias | String | The hotsite alias. | |
hotsiteUrl | String | The URL path for the category. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
imageUrl | String | The url to access the image linked to the category. | |
imageUrlLink | String | The web address to access the image linked to the category. | |
name | String | The category's name. | |
parent | Category | The parent category, if it exists. | |
parentCategoryId | Long! | The parent category unique identifier. | |
position | Int! | The position the category will be displayed. | |
products | ProductsConnection | A list of products associated with the category. | |
after | String | Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. | |
before | String | Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. | |
first | Int | Returns the first n elements from the list. | |
last | Int | Returns the last n elements from the list. | |
partnerAccessToken | String | ||
sortDirection | SortDirection! | ||
sortKey | ProductSortKeys! | ||
urlLink | String | A web address linked to the category. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
cep | Int | The CEP. | |
checkoutId | Uuid! | The checkout unique identifier. | |
coupon | String | The coupon for discounts. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
login | String | ||
products | [CheckoutProductNode] | A list of products associated with the checkout. | |
shippingFee | Decimal! | The shipping fee. | |
subtotal | Decimal! | The subtotal value. | |
total | Decimal! | The total value. | |
updateDate | DateTime! | The last update date. | |
url | String | Url for the current checkout id. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
ajustedPrice | Decimal! | The product adjusted price | |
brand | String | The product brand | |
category | String | The product category | |
gift | Boolean! | The product is a gift | |
googleCategory | [String] | The product Google category | |
imageUrl | String | The product URL image | |
informations | [String] | The product informations | |
installmentFee | Boolean! | The product installment fee | |
installmentValue | Decimal! | The product installment value | |
listPrice | Decimal! | The product list price | |
name | String | The product name | |
numberOfInstallments | Int! | The product number of installments | |
price | Decimal! | The product price | |
productAttributes | [CheckoutProductAttributeNode] | The product attributes | |
productId | Long! | The product unique identifier. | |
productVariantId | Long! | The product variant unique identifier. | |
quantity | Int! | The product quantity | |
shippingDeadline | CheckoutShippingDeadlineNode | The product shipping deadline | |
sku | String | The product SKU | |
url | String | The product URL |
Contents are used to show things to the user.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
content | String | The content in html to be displayed. | |
contentId | Long! | Content unique identifier. | |
creationDate | DateTime | The date the content was created. | |
height | Int | The content's height in px. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
position | String | The content's position. | |
searchTerms | [String] | A list of terms to display the content on search. | |
title | String | The content's title. | |
width | Int | The content's width in px. |
A connection to a list of items.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
edges | [ContentsEdge!] | A list of edges. | |
nodes | [Content] | A flattened list of the nodes. | |
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Information to aid in pagination. |
An edge in a connection.
A customer from the store.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
birthDate | DateTime! | Customer's birth date. | |
businessPhoneNumber | String | Customer's business phone number. | |
cnpj | String | Taxpayer identification number for businesses. | |
companyName | String | Entities legal name. | |
cpf | String | Brazilian individual taxpayer registry identification. | |
creationDate | DateTime! | Creation Date. | |
customerId | Long! | Customer's unique identifier. | |
customerName | String | Customer's name. | |
customerType | String | Indicates if it is a natural person or company profile. | |
deliveryAddress | CustomerAddressNode | Customer's delivery address. | |
String | Customer's email address. | ||
gender | String | Customer's gender. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
mobilePhoneNumber | String | Customer's mobile phone number. | |
ordersStatistics | CustomerOrdersStatistics | Statistics about the orders the customer made in a specific timeframe. | |
dateGte | DateTime | Filter que customer orders by date greater than or equal the specified date. | |
dateLt | DateTime | Filter que customer orders by date lesser than the specified date. | |
onlyPaidOrders | Boolean! | Toggle to apply the statistics only on orders with paid status. | |
partnerId | Long | The partner id which the order was made with. | |
partners | [CustomerPartnerNode] | Get info about the associated partners. | |
phoneNumber | String | Customer's phone number. | |
residencialAddress | CustomerAddressNode | Customer's residencial address. | |
responsibleName | String | Responsible's name. | |
rg | String | Registration number Id. | |
stateRegistration | String | State registration number. | |
updateDate | DateTime! | Date of the last update. | |
wishlist | wishlist | Customer wishlist. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
active | Boolean! | If the address is active or not. | |
addressDetails | String | Address details. | |
addressNumber | String | Address number. | |
cep | String | zip code. | |
city | String | address city. | |
country | String | Country. | |
String | The email of the customer address. | ||
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
name | String | The name of the customer address. | |
neighborhood | String | Address neighborhood. | |
phone | String | The phone of the customer address. | |
referencePoint | String | Address reference point. | |
state | String | State. | |
street | String | Address street. |
Some products can have customizations, such as writing your name on it or other predefined options.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
cost | Decimal! | Cost of customization. | |
customizationId | Long! | Customization unique identifier. | |
groupName | String | Customization group's name. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
name | String | The customization's name. | |
order | Int! | Priority order of customization. | |
type | String | Type of customization. | |
values | [String] | Value of customization. |
A hotsite is a group of products used to organize them or to make them easier to browse.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
banners | [Banner] | A list of banners associated with the hotsite. | |
contents | [Content] | A list of contents associated with the hotsite. | |
endDate | DateTime | The hotsite will be displayed until this date. | |
expression | String | Expression used to associate products to the hotsite. | |
hotsiteId | Long! | Hotsite unique identifier. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
name | String | The hotsite's name. | |
pageSize | Int! | Set the quantity of products displayed per page. | |
products | ProductsConnection | A list of products associated with the hotsite. | |
after | String | Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. | |
before | String | Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. | |
first | Int | Returns the first n elements from the list. | |
last | Int | Returns the last n elements from the list. | |
sortDirection | SortDirection! | ||
sortKey | ProductSortKeys! | ||
sorting | HotsiteSorting | Sorting information to be used by default on the hotsite. | |
startDate | DateTime | The hotsite will be displayed from this date. | |
subtype | HotsiteSubtype | The subtype of the hotsite. | |
template | String | The template used for the hotsite. | |
url | String | The hotsite's URL. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
direction | SortDirection | ||
field | ProductSortKeys |
A connection to a list of items.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
edges | [HotsitesEdge!] | A list of edges. | |
nodes | [Hotsite] | A flattened list of the nodes. | |
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Information to aid in pagination. |
An edge in a connection.
Informations about an image of a product.
Information registred to the product.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
displayName | String | The custom display name of this installment plan. | |
installments | [Installment] | List of the installments. | |
name | String | The name of this installment plan. |
Informations about menu items.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
cssClass | String | Menu css class to apply. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
imageUrl | String | Menu image url address. | |
level | Int! | Menu hierarchy level. | |
link | String | Menu link address. | |
menuGroupId | Int! | Menu group identifier. | |
menuId | Int! | Menu identifier. | |
name | String! | Menu name. | |
openNewTab | Boolean! | Menu hierarchy level. | |
order | Int! | Menu position order. | |
parentMenuId | Int | Parent menu identifier. | |
text | String | Menu extra text. |
Informations about menu groups.
Information about pagination in a connection.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
endCursor | String | When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue. | |
hasNextPage | Boolean! | Indicates whether more edges exist following the set defined by the clients arguments. | |
hasPreviousPage | Boolean! | Indicates whether more edges exist prior the set defined by the clients arguments. | |
startCursor | String | When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue. |
Partners are used to assign specific products or price tables depending on its scope.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
alias | String | The partner alias. | |
endDate | DateTime! | The partner is valid until this date. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
logoUrl | String | The pertner logo's URL. | |
name | String | The partner's name. | |
origin | String | The partner's origin. | |
partnerAccessToken | String | The partner's access token. | |
partnerId | Long! | Partner unique identifier. | |
portfolioId | Int! | Portfolio identifier assigned to this partner. | |
priceTableId | Int! | Price table identifier assigned to this partner. | |
startDate | DateTime! | The partner is valid from this date. | |
type | String | The type of scoped the partner is used. |
A connection to a list of items.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
edges | [PartnersEdge!] | A list of edges. | |
nodes | [Partner] | A flattened list of the nodes. | |
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Information to aid in pagination. |
An edge in a connection.
Range of prices for this product.
The prices of the product.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
bestInstallment | BestInstallment | The best installment option available. | |
discountPercentage | Decimal! | The amount of discount in percentage. | |
discounted | Boolean! | Wether the current price is discounted. | |
installmentPlans | [InstallmentPlan] | List of the possibles installment plans. | |
listPrice | Decimal | The listed regular price of the product. | |
multiplicationFactor | Float! | The multiplication factor used for items that are sold by quantity. | |
price | Decimal! | The current working price. | |
priceTables | [PriceTable] | List of the product different price tables. Only returned when using the partnerAccessToken or public price tables. |
A product represents an item for sale in the store.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
addToCartFromSpot | Boolean | Check if the product can be added to cart directly from spot. | |
alias | String | The product url alias. | |
attributes | [ProductAttribute] | List of the product attributes. | |
available | Boolean | Field to check if the product is available in stock. | |
averageRating | Int | The product average rating. From 0 to 5. | |
condition | String | The product condition. | |
createdAt | DateTime | The product creation date. | |
deadline | Int | The product delivery deadline. | |
display | Boolean | Check if the product should be displayed. | |
displayOnlyPartner | Boolean | Check if the product should be displayed only for partners. | |
displaySearch | Boolean | Check if the product should be displayed on search. | |
ean | String | The product's unique EAN. | |
freeShipping | Boolean | Check if the product offers free shipping. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
images | [Image] | List of the product images. | |
height | Int | The height of the image the url will return. | |
width | Int | The width of the image the url will return. | |
informations | [Information] | List of the product insformations. | |
mainVariant | Boolean | Check if its the main variant. | |
minimumOrderQuantity | Int | The product minimum quantity for an order. | |
newRelease | Boolean | Check if the product is a new release. | |
numberOfVotes | Int | The number of votes that the average rating consists of. | |
parentId | Long | Parent product unique identifier. | |
prices | Prices | The product prices. | |
productBrand | ProductBrand | Summarized informations about the brand of the product. | |
productCategories | [ProductCategory] | Summarized informations about the categories of the product. | |
productId | Long | Product unique identifier. | |
productName | String | The product name. | |
productSubscription | ProductSubscription | Summarized informations about the subscription of the product. | |
productVariantId | Long | Variant unique identifier. | |
promotions | [Promotion] | List of promotions this product belongs to. | |
similarProducts | [SimilarProduct] | List of similar products. | |
sku | String | The product's unique SKU. | |
spotAttributes | [String] | The values of the spot attribute. | |
spotInformation | String | The product spot information. | |
spotlight | Boolean | Check if the product is on spotlight. | |
stock | Long | The available stock at the default distribution center. | |
stocks | [Stock] | List of the product stocks on different distribution centers. | |
subscriptionGroups | [SubscriptionGroup] | List of subscription groups this product belongs to. | |
telesales | Boolean | Check if the product is a telesale. | |
updatedAt | DateTime | The product last update date. | |
variantName | String | The variant name. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
filters | [SearchFilter] | List of product filters which can be used to filter subsequent queries. | |
maximumPrice | Decimal! | Minimum price of the products. | |
minimumPrice | Decimal! | Maximum price of the products. | |
priceRanges | [PriceRange] | List of price ranges for the selected products. |
The attributes of the product.
Information about the category of a product.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
active | Boolean! | Wether the category is currently active. | |
googleCategories | String | The categories in google format. | |
hierarchy | String | The category hierarchy. | |
id | Int! | The id of the category. | |
main | Boolean! | Wether this category is the main category for this product. | |
name | String | The category name. | |
url | String | The category hotsite url alias. |
Options available for the given product.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
attributes | [Attribute] | A list of attributes available for the given product and its variants. | |
filter | [AttributeFilterInput] | ||
customizations | [Customization] | A list of customizations available for the given products. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. |
Product variants that have the attribute.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
alias | String | The product alias. | |
available | Boolean | Field to check if the product is available in stock. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
images | [Image] | The product's images. | |
height | Int | The height of the image the url will return. | |
width | Int | The width of the image the url will return. | |
prices | Prices | The product prices. | |
productId | Long | Product unique identifier. | |
productVariantId | Long | Variant unique identifier. | |
stock | Long | The available stock at the default distribution center. |
A connection to a list of items.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
edges | [ProductsEdge!] | A list of edges. | |
nodes | [Product] | A flattened list of the nodes. | |
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Information to aid in pagination. | |
totalCount | Int! |
An edge in a connection.
Information about promotions of a product.
A product review written by a customer.
Entity SEO information.
Returns the scripts registered in the script manager.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
content | String | The script content. | |
name | String | The script name. | |
pageType | ScriptPageType! | The script page type. | |
position | ScriptPosition! | The script position. | |
priority | Int! | The script priority. |
Search for relevant products to the searched term.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
aggregations | ProductAggregations | Aggregations from the products. | |
banners | [Banner] | A list of banners displayed in search pages. | |
breadcrumbs | [Breadcrumb] | List of search breadcrumbs. | |
contents | [Content] | A list of contents displayed in search pages. | |
forbiddenTerm | forbiddenTerm | Information about forbidden term. | |
products | ProductsConnection | A cursor based paginated list of products from the search. | |
after | String | Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. | |
before | String | Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. | |
filters | [ProductFilterInput] | List of filters. Check filters result for available inputs. | |
first | Int | Returns the first n elements from the list. | |
last | Int | Returns the last n elements from the list. | |
maximumPrice | Decimal | Maximum price filter. | |
minimumPrice | Decimal | Minimum price filter. | |
onlyMainVariant | Boolean! | Toggle the return of only main variants. | |
sortDirection | SortDirection! | ||
sortKey | ProductSearchSortKeys! | ||
productsByOffset | ProductCollectionSegment | An offset based paginated list of products from the search. | |
filters | [ProductFilterInput] | List of filters. Check filters result for available inputs. | |
limit | Int! | The number of products to return. | |
maximumPrice | Decimal | Maximum price filter. | |
minimumPrice | Decimal | Minimum price filter. | |
offset | Int! | The offset used to paginate. | |
onlyMainVariant | Boolean! | Toggle the return of only main variants. | |
sortDirection | SortDirection! | ||
sortKey | ProductSearchSortKeys! | ||
redirectUrl | String | Redirection url in case a term in the search triggers a redirect. | |
searchTime | String | Time taken to perform the search. |
Aggregated filters of a list of products.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
field | String | The name of the field. | |
origin | String | The origin of the field. | |
values | [SearchFilterItem] | List of the values of the field. |
Details of a filter value.
The product informations related to the shipping.
A shipping quote.
Informations about the store.
Store setting.
Information about a similar product.
A hotsite is a group of products used to organize them or to make them easier to browse.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
aggregations | ProductAggregations | Aggregations from the products. | |
banners | [Banner] | A list of banners associated with the hotsite. | |
breadcrumbs | [Breadcrumb] | A list of breadcrumbs for the hotsite. | |
contents | [Content] | A list of contents associated with the hotsite. | |
endDate | DateTime | The hotsite will be displayed until this date. | |
expression | String | Expression used to associate products to the hotsite. | |
hotsiteId | Long! | Hotsite unique identifier. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
name | String | The hotsite's name. | |
pageSize | Int! | Set the quantity of products displayed per page. | |
products | ProductsConnection | A list of products associated with the hotsite. Cursor pagination. | |
after | String | Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. | |
before | String | Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. | |
filters | [ProductFilterInput] | List of filters. Check filters result for available inputs. | |
first | Int | Returns the first n elements from the list. | |
last | Int | Returns the last n elements from the list. | |
maximumPrice | Decimal | Maximum price filter. | |
minimumPrice | Decimal | Minimum price filter. | |
onlyMainVariant | Boolean! | Toggle the return of only main variants. | |
partnerAccessToken | String | The partner access token. | |
sortDirection | SortDirection | ||
sortKey | ProductSortKeys | ||
productsByOffset | ProductCollectionSegment | A list of products associated with the hotsite. Offset pagination. | |
filters | [ProductFilterInput] | List of filters. Check filters result for available inputs. | |
limit | Int! | The number of products to return. | |
maximumPrice | Decimal | Maximum price filter. | |
minimumPrice | Decimal | Minimum price filter. | |
offset | Int! | The offset used to paginate. | |
onlyMainVariant | Boolean! | Toggle the return of only main variants. | |
partnerAccessToken | String | The partner access token. | |
sortDirection | SortDirection | ||
sortKey | ProductSortKeys | ||
seo | [SEO] | A list of SEO contents associated with the hotsite. | |
sorting | HotsiteSorting | Sorting information to be used by default on the hotsite. | |
startDate | DateTime | The hotsite will be displayed from this date. | |
subtype | HotsiteSubtype | The subtype of the hotsite. | |
template | String | The template used for the hotsite. | |
url | String | The hotsite's URL. |
A product represents an item for sale in the store.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
addToCartFromSpot | Boolean | Check if the product can be added to cart directly from spot. | |
alias | String | The product url alias. | |
attributeSelections | AttributeSelection | Information about the possible selection attributes. | |
selected | [AttributeFilterInput] | ||
attributes | [ProductAttribute] | List of the product attributes. | |
available | Boolean | Field to check if the product is available in stock. | |
averageRating | Int | The product average rating. From 0 to 5. | |
breadcrumbs | [Breadcrumb] | List of product breadcrumbs. | |
buyTogether | [SingleProduct] | Buy together products. | |
condition | String | The product condition. | |
createdAt | DateTime | The product creation date. | |
customizations | [Customization] | A list of customizations available for the given products. | |
deadline | Int | The product delivery deadline. | |
display | Boolean | Check if the product should be displayed. | |
displayOnlyPartner | Boolean | Check if the product should be displayed only for partners. | |
displaySearch | Boolean | Check if the product should be displayed on search. | |
ean | String | The product's unique EAN. | |
freeShipping | Boolean | Check if the product offers free shipping. | |
id | ID | The node unique identifier. | |
images | [Image] | List of the product images. | |
height | Int | The height of the image the url will return. | |
width | Int | The width of the image the url will return. | |
informations | [Information] | List of the product insformations. | |
mainVariant | Boolean | Check if its the main variant. | |
minimumOrderQuantity | Int | The product minimum quantity for an order. | |
newRelease | Boolean | Check if the product is a new release. | |
numberOfVotes | Int | The number of votes that the average rating consists of. | |
parentId | Long | Parent product unique identifier. | |
prices | Prices | The product prices. | |
productBrand | ProductBrand | Summarized informations about the brand of the product. | |
productCategories | [ProductCategory] | Summarized informations about the categories of the product. | |
productId | Long | Product unique identifier. | |
productName | String | The product name. | |
productSubscription | ProductSubscription | Summarized informations about the subscription of the product. | |
productVariantId | Long | Variant unique identifier. | |
promotions | [Promotion] | List of promotions this product belongs to. | |
reviews | [Review] | List of customer reviews for this product. | |
seo | [SEO] | Product SEO informations. | |
similarProducts | [SimilarProduct] | List of similar products. | |
sku | String | The product's unique SKU. | |
spotAttributes | [String] | The values of the spot attribute. | |
spotInformation | String | The product spot information. | |
spotlight | Boolean | Check if the product is on spotlight. | |
stock | Long | The available stock at the default distribution center. | |
stocks | [Stock] | List of the product stocks on different distribution centers. | |
subscriptionGroups | [SubscriptionGroup] | List of subscription groups this product belongs to. | |
telesales | Boolean | Check if the product is a telesale. | |
updatedAt | DateTime | The product last update date. | |
variantName | String | The variant name. |
Information about a product stock in a particular distribution center.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
recurringTypes | [SubscriptionRecurringType] | The recurring types for this subscription group. | |
status | String | The status name of the group. | |
statusId | Int! | The status id of the group. | |
subscriptionGroupId | Long! | The subscription group id. | |
subscriptionOnly | Boolean! | Wether the product is only avaible for subscription. |
Node of URI Kind.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
hotsiteSubtype | HotsiteSubtype | The origin of the hotsite. | |
kind | UriKind! | Path kind. | |
partnerSubtype | PartnerSubtype | The partner subtype. | |
productAlias | String | Product alias. | |
productCategoriesIds | [Int!] | Product categories IDs. | |
redirectCode | String | Redirect status code. | |
redirectUrl | String | Url to redirect. |
Informations about a forbidden search term.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
products | [Product] | Wishlist products. |
Input to specify which attributes to match.
Filter brand results based on giving attributes.
Field | Type | Description | |
id | Uuid! | ||
products | [CheckoutProductItemInput]! |
Field | Type | Description | |
customization | [CheckoutCustomizationInput] | ||
productVariantId | Long! | ||
quantity | Int! | ||
subscription | CheckoutSubscriptionInput |
The input to authenticate a user.
Input to specify the range of prices to return.
Filter product results based on giving attributes.
Field | Type | Description | |
attributes | AttributeInput | The set of attributes do filter. | |
available | Boolean | Choose if you want to retrieve only the available products in stock. | |
brandId | [Long!] | The set of brand IDs which the result item brand ID must be included in. | |
categoryId | [Long!] | The set of category IDs which the result item category ID must be included in. | |
ean | [String] | The set of EANs which the result item EAN must be included. | |
hasImages | Boolean | Retrieve the product variant only if it contains images. | |
mainVariant | Boolean | Retrieve the product variant only if it is the main product variant. | |
prices | PricesInput | The set of prices to filter. | |
productId | [Long!] | The product unique identifier (you may provide a list of IDs if needed). | |
productVariantId | [Long!] | The product variant unique identifier (you may provide a list of IDs if needed). | |
sku | [String] | The set of SKUs which the result item SKU must be included. | |
stock_gte | Long | Show products with a quantity of available products in stock greater than or equal to the given number. | |
stock_lte | Long | Show products with a quantity of available products in stock less than or equal to the given number. | |
updatedAt_gte | String | Retrieve products which the last update date is greater than or equal to the given date. | |
updatedAt_lte | String | Retrieve products which the last update date is less than or equal to the given date. |
Custom attribute defined on store's admin may also be used as a filter.
Review input parameters.
Value | Description |
Define the banner attribute which the result set will be sorted on.
Value | Description |
ID | The banner's unique identifier. |
CREATION_DATE | The banner's creation date. |
Define the brand attribute which the result set will be sorted on.
Value | Description |
ID | The brand unique identifier. |
NAME | The brand name. |
Define the category attribute which the result set will be sorted on.
Value | Description |
ID | The category unique identifier. |
NAME | The category name. |
Define the content attribute which the result set will be sorted on.
Value | Description |
ID | The content's unique identifier. |
CreationDate | The content's creation date. |
Define the hotsite attribute which the result set will be sorted on.
Value | Description |
ID | The hotsite id. |
NAME | The hotsite name. |
URL | The hotsite url. |
Value | Description |
CATEGORY | Hotsite created from a category. |
BRAND | Hotsite created from a brand. |
PORTFOLIO | Hotsite created from a portfolio. |
BUY_LIST | Hotsite created from a buy list (lista de compra). |
Types of operations to perform between query terms.
Value | Description |
AND | Performs AND operation between query terms. |
OR | Performs OR operation between query terms. |
Define the partner attribute which the result set will be sorted on.
Value | Description |
ID | The partner unique identifier. |
NAME | The partner name. |
Value | Description |
OPEN | Partner 'open' subtype. |
CLOSED | Partner 'closed' subtype. |
CLIENT | Partner 'client' subtype. |
Value | Description |
Define the product attribute which the result set will be sorted on.
Value | Description |
RELEVANCE | The relevance that the search engine gave to the possible result item based on own criteria. |
NAME | The product name. |
SALES | The sales number on a period of time. |
PRICE | The product variant price. |
DISCOUNT | The applied discount to the product variant price. |
RANDOM | Sort in a random way. |
RELEASE_DATE | The date the product was released. |
STOCK | The quantity in stock of the product variant. |
Define the product attribute which the result set will be sorted on.
Value | Description |
NAME | The product name. |
SALES | The sales number on a period of time. |
PRICE | The product variant price. |
DISCOUNT | The applied discount to the product variant price. |
RANDOM | Sort in a random way. |
RELEASE_DATE | The date the product was released. |
STOCK | The quantity in stock of the product variant. |
Value | Description |
ALL | |
HOME | |
Value | Description |
Define the sort orientation of the result set.
Value | Description |
ASC | The results will be sorted in an ascending order. |
DESC | The results will be sorted in an descending order. |
Value | Description |
The Boolean
scalar type represents true
or false
Represents a CEP
String representing a country code
The DateTime
scalar represents an ISO-8601 compliant date time type.
The built-in Decimal
scalar type.
The EmailAddress scalar type constitutes a valid email address, represented as a UTF-8 character sequence. The scalar follows the specification defined by the HTML Spec
The Float
scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.
The ID
scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4"
) or integer (such as 4
) input value will be accepted as an ID.
The Int
scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
The Long
scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole 64-bit numeric values. Long can represent values between -(2^63) and 2^63 - 1.
The String
scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID |
Updated about 1 year ago